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About the ECR Retail Loss Group

Working on behalf of the Retail Sector, the ECR Retail Loss Group is focussed upon developing imaginative thinking, new approaches and genuine innovation in the management of retail losses. With membership open to any retailer or product manufacturer, and promoting a collaborative approach, the Group ensures that the results of its extensive and wide-ranging work is made freely available to the industry.

Video – ECR Retail Loss Group
Video – SCO Delivering Unplanned Sales
Video – To Hard Tag or Not
Video – Inventory Record Inaccuracy – Five ways the Loss Prevention can play a leading role
Video – Introducing Total Retail Loss

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Assettrac – Utilise your assets more effectively

Gain more oversight. Become more digital and quickly gain substantial savings and efficiencies.

Managing assets can be an onerous task. At Assettrac working with RGIS we provide the tools and the support to make it a simple and easy process.

We help you make your asset information and your work processes more digital. We have 20 years of experience in helping you adapt, digitise and streamline your current administration or work out in the field.

Use standard Barcodes, QR codes, RFID or even IoT sensors. We can advise and recommend in all situations, basic and complex.

We have a partnership approach to get you up and running quickly as well as providing and supporting for everything in this area.

Downloads, case studies and white papers