Angling Supplies Retailer Warehouse Relocation Count

An angling supplies retailer, and since 1958 their mission has been to build the best quality fishing products on the market by engineering the most technological advanced reels available. The retailer has patented technologies that have shaped the industry, and products that have taken the global angling experience to a new, previously unimaginable level. The retailer sells reels, rods, lines, lures, apparel, luggage and fishing tools in stores and online.


The angling supplies retailer needed support to complete a wall-to-wall count of the main warehouse after a relocation, so required RGIS to provide the following:

  • Wall-to-wall warehouse count
  • An accurate track of physical stock and comparison with the main system files
  • Investigate any discrepancies
  • Discuss warehouse preparation


The angling supplies retailer partnered with RGIS to complete the warehouse relocation stock count project, and RGIS provided the following:

  • Warehouse preparation recommended to the customer:
  • Boxes to be organised better for stocktaking to ensure stock lined up with bins
  • Mixed pallets to be brought down to the ground level, with bin numbers attached, for location identification
  • Equipment for easy access was discussed – scissor lifts, high reach ladders etc.
  • Scheduled a team of 36 experienced RGIS auditors
  • Split the count over four days, with teams of between six and twelve auditors
  • Variance checking completed


The angling supplies retailer found by outsourcing the warehouse relocation stock count project to RGIS, the following results were achieved:

  • Counted 3,383 bin locations
  • Checked 1,030 different SKUs
  • Accurately counted a total of 113,365 units over four days
  • The customer laid out the warehouse in better way for efficient picking, which reduced labour and overhead costs
  • Missing stock was able to be located
  • Item and bin variance dropped by 62% following the stock count