Castle Gift Shop Stock Counts for New EPOS System

Cadw is the historic environment service of the Welsh Government and part of the Tourism and Culture group. Cadw works to protect the historic buildings and structures, the landscapes and heritage sites of Wales, so that the public can visit them, enjoy them and understand their significance. Cadw manages 127 state-owned properties and sites, which includes 24 castles across Wales.
Driven by the implementation of the new EPOS system, Cadw wanted to take the castle’s gift shop stock counting from an in-house solution to an outsourced solution, so required RGIS to provide the following:
- National coverage to be able to complete counts in all castle gift shops across Wales
- A total of 24 gift shops to be counted
- Fast and accurate turnaround compared to previous in-house counts
- Provide accurate data to load onto the new EPOS system
Cadw partnered with RGIS to complete the stock count for new EPOS system project, and provided the following:
- Scheduled teams of 2-4 experienced RGIS auditors per gift shop
- Two gift shops were counted per day
- Any items with either incorrect or missing barcodes were allocated a new SKU and added to the reporting to be included on the customer’s EPOS system
Cadw found by outsourcing the stock count for new EPOS system project to RGIS, the following results were achieved:
- All the gift shops were accurately counted in a timely manner
- An average of 35,000 items were counted per gift shop, the largest shop having just under 400,000 pieces across 5,350 different SKUs
- Provided consistent reporting across all locations, so data could be loaded onto the new EPOS system
- The customer was very happy with the high quality service and flexibility offered by RGIS
- Gave the customer feedback on store preparation to ensure stock counts could be completed quicker