School Asset Verification

Public and private schools in Australia use RGIS to verify and update each school’s asset register. Each school employs a Business Manager who is responsible for the upkeep of the asset register.
The Business Manager for each school performs regular maintenance on the asset register, however either annually or bi-annually, RGIS is required to conduct a full audit and update of their listing for each school. The schools required the following:
- RGIS to work alongside the individual Business Managers
- Both annual and bi-annual checks
- RGIS to collect all asset data and upload all the data in format requested by the schools
- All RGIS employees cleared to be working with children
RGIS worked with the Business Managers of the schools to complete the following:
- RGIS supplied teams of 2-10 employees to each school, to complete the data collection in 5-6 hours per school
- Each school generally held between 500 to 2000 assets
- Data collection fields included: Asset Number, Description, Make, Model and Serial Number
- RGIS loaded the existing files supplied, scanned the asset numbers and verified that all the data field details were correct
- Any new assets, were assigned a new number and all the relevant asset data field details were collected
- Assets that were counted included air conditioning units, wireless access points, data projectors, laptops, iPads, televisions, photocopiers, servers, communications cabinets, sporting and playground equipment, musical instruments and grounds maintenance equipment. Chairs and tables were also captured as a bulk count (not individually assigned an asset number)
- RGIS were able to supply a ‘not found list’ so that the school could perform a reconciliation, and update the asset register accordingly
By partnering with RGIS, the schools benefited from the following:
- The outcome of an updated asset register was achieved
- Old assets were removed from the schools’ inventory
- New found assets not previously recorded were added
- Business Managers can now continue maintenance from the updated list
- Reduced over ordering assets they already had