Store Closure Stocktake and Packaging Stock

One of Europe's top publishing groups, with a history of over one hundred years in the search for innovation and excellence in the book sector, magazines and retail. A leading network of book shops, with over 600 stores in Italy, consisting of three different shop formats. Each shop format has different branding and designed to meet every requirement directly managed, franchised book shops, e-commerce and bookclubs, serving over 20 million customers every year.
The publishing group was closing a number of bookstores and required an experienced company to remove all the stock from shelves, and package the stock up to be returned to the distribution centre. The customer required the following:
- Complete stocktake of store and backrooms
- Boxes provided for stock
- All stock packaged ready for return to distribution centre
The publishing group partnered with RGIS to complete the stocktaking and stock removal project. RGIS carried out the following:
- Allocated teams of 3 to 4 experienced RGIS auditors per store
- Scheduled the RGIS teams for 3 to 4 hours per store
- Completed full store inventory including back rooms
The publishing group found that by outsourcing the stocktaking and stock removal project to RGIS, the following was achieved:
- All stock was accurately counted
- Stock was packaged up in preparation for the customer to easily send back to the distribution centre as required
- Accurate reports from the full store stocktake gave the customer a valuation of stock in each store