Logistic Centre Efficiency Audit

An online marketplace company dedicated to e-commerce and online auctions across Latin America.


The online marketplace company wanted to assess the efficiency of a logistic centre distributing stock ordered by customers, and also wanted to detect any issues which could impact the customer experience. The customer required the following:

  • Sample audits to take place over 24 hours
  • Identify product discrepancies to customer order
  • Report on damaged items
  • Check the shipping information


The online marketplace company partnered with RGIS to complete the following:

  • Team of 25 experienced RGIS auditors were split into teams
  • RGIS teams were allocated different shifts to cover 24 hour periods
  • Shipping information was checked, including location and order placed, then any discrepancies were reported
  • The RGIS teams were able to report on all damaged, missing or extra stock items
  • Product order inaccuracies including colour, size and model were also logged


The online marketplace company found that by outsourcing the logistic centre efficiency project to RGIS, the following was achieved:

  • An average of 54,000 stock items per 24 hour period were reviewed
  • From the reports generated the online marketplace company has been able to improve processes and reduce inaccuracies in customer orders
  • These reports helped in ensuring the customers receive the correct orders, which in turn improved the customer experience