Toy Store Multiple Inventory Counts Due to Moving to SAP Software

A Spanish company founded by a group of small toy makers in 1975 that operates under the cooperative regime, required the support of RGIS. It currently has 54 members. With 256 points of sale distributed throughout the Spanish geography, it has positioned itself as the first retail chain in Spain within the Spanish toy and game sector, thanks to an offer that includes more than 6,000 product references, including those that belong to its 16 own brands that it distributes exclusively.
With a staff of more than 1,100 employees and more than 110,000m2 of retail space, the toy retailer has established itself as one of the main retail chains in the toy sector in Spain, with more than 8% market share.
The toy retailer needed an accurate inventory count of multiple toy stores due to moving to SAP software, so required RGIS to provide the following:
- Full stock counts of six stores
- Counts to be conducted in one and a half days
- Not to impact customers or staff
- Compatible reports with the IT system
The toy retailer partnered with RGIS to complete the multiple toy store inventory count project, and provided the following:
- Scheduled a team of seven experienced RGIS auditors per store
- Audited 10% of stock counted for accuracy
- Third party also completed checks to confirm accuracy
The toy retailer found that by outsourcing the multiple toy store inventory count project to RGIS to complete, the following was achieved:
- A total of 112,000 items were counted
- All six stores completed within the time frame of one and a half days
- Accuracy of the count was very satisfactory, and confirmed by third party checks
- Reports sent were compatible with the IT system as requested